Fun things to do in Detroit in 2023

Detroit, Michigan, the home of Motown, the Pistons, Tigers, Red Wings and Lions.
Now that the spring & summer is almost here (sort of), we list out some fun things to do in Detroit. We’re bias, but one of the coolest places to be to have fun this summer is Michigan’s largest city – Detroit, Michigan.
Correction, one of the coolest places to be anytime is Detroit, Michigan. Ok now our bias is showing.
Though for the sake of this article we are going to provide you a short list of things you should do in Detroit this summer.
While we are only touching the surface of all of the cool things you can do in Detroit. Read on if you’d like to learn more about what we’re doing to have fun this summer in Detroit.
Fun Things to do in Detroit.
Mom’s Spaghetti
Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem, decided to play off of his famous song Lose Yourself, and opened a restaurant. Specifically, a fast-food Italian restaurant that specializes in… of course, Spaghetti.
We have mixed feelings about giving you this suggestion for a couple reasons, but we’re giving it you anyway because we’re doing it too. Even if we throw up after we eat it, it’ll still be something fun to do in Detroit.
First, in general we are not 100% confident that good Italian can be done fast and in bulk. Although, the Olive Garden could be worse… so, there is hope for fast-food Italian done right.
Second, the context for the Mom’s Spaghetti reference is as follows; “Palms are sweaty, knees are weak, arms are heavy, there’s vomit on his sweater already… Mom’s Spaghetti.” Some might suggest there isn’t much that’s appetizing about that context. And they’d be right.
Eminem has been known for being edgy and disturbing. So, from a marketing context, it’s pure brilliance and from a Detroiter’s point of view, Eminem can do no wrong. Oddly, there is something fun knowing how absolutely disgusting the context is and we totally support it.
For that reason, we’re going to try it out this summer and we suggest you do too if you’re looking for things to do in Detroit. Located at 2131 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mi this restaurant is open every day in the afternoon and evening time. Check out their menu here.
Detroit Tigers
For a little while there, people thought the 2022 Major League Baseball season would be canceled. The MLB and the Players Association couldn’t come to a deal. On March 10th 2022, both sides came to a deal and the season officially can begin.
For Detroiter’s, the Detroit Tigers is an affordable day out in downtown Detroit. Average low-end prices are around $20-$30 per ticket. Not to mention it’s an entertaining way to relax in the sun.
This year the Tigers have high hopes as their star Migual Cabrera is apparently in the best shape of his life. This homerun king is going to put more than a few balls in the stands this year so make sure you get your tickets just under the scoreboard. (Trust us, it’s the best location for home run souvenirs.) Check out the schedule here.
Sunday Soccer League
On this same theme of sports in Detroit, one of the most underrated and likely unknown things to do in Detroit is the Sunday Soccer League in Southwest Detroit.
Every Sunday Morning and afternoon from May through August at General Patton Park on Detroit’s Southwest side, soccer is played by local residence and players that travel in from the surrounding area. It’s one of the most competitive adult leagues in Michigan and also one of the most entertaining.
People bring beer, food trucks arrive, mariachi bands play and the fans gather around the fields to watch the games. These games create local heroes and legends here in Detroit.
The culture is unlike anything you will experience at another sports venue. General Patton Park is located at 2301 Woodmere St. Detroit, Michigan and you won’t want to miss kickoff.
Belle Isle
This is an obvious choice for this list. We’re doing it anyway because a “fun in Detroit” is incomplete without a trip to Belle Isle.
From picnics, to playgrounds, tennis courts and a beautiful conservatory garden, there is so much you can enjoy on Belle Isle. We found out that they’re still doing boat rentals and you can set your canoe or kayak down in the waterways that flow around Belle Isle for a relaxing day and a unique experience you don’t get on land.
Belle Isle is also a great place to bring your camera for unique shots of the Detroit River with the awe-inspiring skyline of Downtown Detroit. There really is anywhere on the Isle that isn’t photogenic, so you won’t have a hard time capturing the perfect shot.

Run or Walk the River
It’s Michigan after all, and during the spring and summer we have some of the best weather … especially when it’s not bad weather. (A little Michigan humor, couldn’t help it.)
Detroit has what some consider America’s number one river walking and running experience. We recommend starting at Milliken State Park Lighthouse, travel up to Atwater Street and head east toward downtown Detroit.
You pass some of Detroit’s oldest and most important real estate while you get your steps in. You’ll also pass the Renaissance center and the Detroit Princess Riverboat. If you do the full riverwalk, you’ll be doing a 3.5 miles worth of exercise, so make sure you calculate that into your plans, as the trip back will be around 7 miles in total.
What we think you’ll appreciate the most is that you won’t be alone. The Riverwalk seems to be a hot attraction for people and the views of Detroit, Belle Isle, and the Ambassador bridge make you realize very quickly why that is.
What are you going to do?
Sure, we only touched the surface, but that’s because we want to know what your plans are this spring and summer in Detroit. Are you going to the beach? Are you like us, and heading to the Detroit Tigers games? Let us know in the comments!
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