The argument in favor of the laundry chute.

Bring back the laundry chute.
What was once considered an accessory to luxurious living, has now suddenly disappeared from most of society. In many older homes laundry chutes have been removed and are narrowly being installed, if ever.
Take 2 minutes and read our fun argument in favor of the laundry chute.
Convenience Chute
Let’s take it back to the 1800s. Using a chute for coal and garbage was commonplace. It’s part of the reason we use the phrase “Throw it out”. Like garbage, after a while our clothes develop a similar funk. While it’s hard to pinpoint the exact date of the first architectural use for the laundry, these chutes played an important role in our cultural experience at home.
Interestingly enough, in a time where the world searches for convenience. The fastest food, the fastest internet, meal prep services, instance rice – efficiency and speed dominate our society.
Why have we gone in reverse with laundry? Now sure, it’s a marginal fire risk, but for many, the most tedious and annoying of tasks is the laundry.

Organization Chute
There are several methods of stacking and piling our dirty clothes in the closet. Perhaps you’re the type to hide your dirty clothes under the bed. While the organized among us use the laundry hamper. Why not just throw your clothes down the Chute?
Hampers and laundry baskets come in varying sizes and shapes, honestly, inconvenient in all dimensions. If the basket is too small, it cannot hold a full load of laundry. If it is large enough, it becomes too heavy to be held without straining, and say good-bye to your fingers walking through any doorway.
Laundry is hazardous.
Again, why not throw your clothes down the Chute?
The solution is so simple. Easily installed. Can be placed conveniently in your closet. Your dirty garments go down the chute, into your basket, next to your washer and dryer. No more piling. No more overflowing hampers or falling down the stairs with 45 pounds of clothes.
We need to bring back the Chute.
Treasure Chute
The laundry chute, a time saving, efficiency machine. If you’re lucky enough to buy a home with a laundry chute, you might have also purchased a treasure chest. Like a real estate time-capsule, many have been discovered to have money, mail, postcards, and even passports, stuck in their cavernous depths when torn apart for repair, replacement, or sadly even demolition.
When will it be time for builders to go ‘back to the future’ and bring back the laundry chute? Save time, clutter, efficiency, and save your back.
Bring back the laundry chute.
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1 Comment
Truly enjoyed your article. Wish my home had been built with one. It also brought back some fun childhood memories.