Living FORE Michigan Golf

Michigan golf is a past time for those who live here, as it’s some of the best golf in the country. In this article we explore some of the top golf courses you can play here.
Fun Fact: Did you know that there are more than 60,000 registered golfers with the Golf Association of Michigan and millions of recreational players call Michigan their home golf course?
Read on to learn more about what makes Michigan something to brag about.
Public Accessibility to Golf
For months here in Michigan we are frozen inside of our homes unable to take advantage of the golf course. It’s during these winter months that golfers hunker down at the local golf simulator or heated driving range. Of course, the diehard golf community leaves the state for warmer weather like Florida or Arizona to get their rounds of golf in.
Come spring once golf starts, Michigan golf doesn’t stop. One of the great values that Michigan golf offers, is it’s accessiblity to golfers who just want to get a round in, and don’t want to pay to belong to a country club.
To touch on this topic, we reached out to someone who knows Michigan golfing better than anyone else, Roy Gaddy.
Meet Roy
Sales professor from the University of Minnesota and University of South Carolina, Roy Gaddey knows Michigan golf. Roy happens to have played at 57 of the top 100 Michigan courses, and according to, that’s more than anyone on their list.
Roy grew up in Michigan in the city of Plymouth, Michigan. When he was 9 years old, his father began teaching him how to swing a golf club. As an adult, Roy took his love of golf and of real estate, becoming the real estate developer of Prestwick Village Golf Club, in Highland, Michigan.
“Having traveled all over the world playing, Michigan has high quality courses that are open to the public. When you visit other States, golf becomes much more of an exclusive thing, and the public courses aren’t very nice.” Roy then mentioned that it’s because of this accessibility that opens golfing up to more people which makes Michigan Golf one of the reasons why he still calls Michigan home.
From a business standpoint it makes complete sense. Why make golf an exclusive activity when Michigan golfing simply cannot happen for 3 to 4 months out of the year? This openness allows for a new demographic to get involved in the game. Families.

Michigan’s weather is Golfing weather.
People who know this understand. Michigan has perfect spring and summer weather, the perfect golf weather.
Being a state surrounded by water, Michigan also has some of the most scenic views on the course. We recommend a visit to Arcadia Bluffs will have you in awe of lake Michigan, Michigan’s best public golf course. In fact, keep reading if you like to know our top 5 Michigan golf course recommendations.
The weather and the surrounding waters aren’t just perfect for the golfers though. Golf courses are made with specific grass seed that requires specifc climates to thrive. Michigan’s average temperature ranges between 70-80 degrees, at this temperature range, Michigan is able to use a unique mix of grasses that don’t get stressed out in the extreme heat of July. Though in the summer months Michigan does have to grow out fairways a bit longer than in the spring and fall to combat the heat.
The benefit of Michigan is we are able to use a family species of grass that are related to the grasses found in Scotland. The home of golf. This gives Michigan the ability to have an authentic traditional golfing experience. (Especially when it rains).
All this means for you as a golfer, is that the optimal time to golf in Michigan is in early May and early October.
Top 5 Golf Courses in Michigan
Ranked by Golfers Digest #14 in the world and #1 golf course in Michigan.

OAKLAND HILLS COUNTRY CLUB (south) – Bloomfield Hills
Ranked by Golfers Digest at #21 in the world and #2 in Michigan.

Ranked by Golfers Digest at #83 in the world, #3 in Michigan and #14 best Public course in the world.

Ranked by Golfers Digest at #121 in the world and #4 in Michigan.

Ranked by Golfers Digest at #163 in the world, #5 in Michigan, and #33 best Public course in the world.

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